Sofi Money is the Best Checking Account in 2019 Hands Down. Sign up with This Link today to get a $50 bonus when you open a new Sofi Money checking account and fund it with at least $500.
Introducing Sofi Money

SoFi Money is the first of its kind: An account that offers all of the benefits and flexibility of being a checking account, while earning you more money than most savings accounts.
For the longest time I had a regular checking account at Bank of America until my younger brother (the kids are getting pretty hip these days) told me about this cool Stanford startup called SoFi. He also told me they had a “high-yield checking account” to which I thought there had to be a catch.
There is no catch, and because of that I consolidated all of my checking accounts, savings accounts, and emergency funds into SoFi Money. This is the only checking account I want to use because it is the only one that actually gives me a return on my investment without limiting my flexibility. So I’m telling everyone who reads Let’s Be Millionaires about it and giving you a chance to earn $50 by signing up with my link today.
What Makes SoFi Money The Best Checking Account In 2019
Other than the sweet looking debit card that you’ll get upon opening your account there are a few key points that make this the best checking account on the market.
1.6 % Yield: Its pretty crazy for a checking account to pay interest nowadays as is. What is even crazier is that the Sofi Money checking account not only pays interest, but pays more interest than most savings accounts. This means that you can still access your money whenever you want, as many times as you want, and never pay any fees, all while earning top dollar.
If you have an emergency fund of $10,000 in a standard checking account and move it to SoFi money, you will earn an extra $160 per year. That adds up quick and will compound over time.
No Fees: Most high-yield accounts have a lot of red tape. Not with SoFi Money. You can spend directly from that account with your debit card, or even make cash withdrawals at ANY ATM and SoFi will reimburse the fees. SoFi doesn’t pay expensive real estate costs for branch locations, so they pass those savings along to you and I by reimbursing ATM fees from the banks that do.
You also won’t incur foreign transaction fees or other common fee types that banks like to sneak in there.

Member Benefits: As if the high-yield and convenient features weren’t enough, Sofi decided to throw some more benefits into the mix. All it takes to become a SoFi Member is opening a SoFi account.
There are a lot of random benefits, however, the one that really sticks out to me is complimentary career coaching. For people who are trying to be millionaires, this is the most important benefit. Everything discussed in the image below is included for free, just by opening up a great checking account that pays you money.
You can meet one-on-one with a career coach, get help with your resume and networking, or get help with goal-setting. Or just sit back and enjoy the juicy interest payments. It is all up to you with SoFi Money.

If you’re ready to open an account and get access to all of these benefits, click here and follow the instructions. By signing up through this link you will also get a $50 bonus. If you sign up I’d love to hear what you think of the account, I have a feeling you’ll be thanking me.
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